Category Archives: Quotes

Quotes from my reading which may or may not have a bit of my own commentary.

The Welfare State Destroys Charity – Quote of the Day

I think I will be continuing with a lot of quotes from  Auberon Herbert: Selected Writings from a Reluctant Anarchist as his writing is full of quotable passages that are as relevant today as they were when he wrote them more than 100 years ago.

In today’s selection, he discusses the negative effect that government welfare programs have on the people.

I ought to show that all great uniform systems–clumsy and oppressive as they must always be in their rude attempt to embrace every part read more

Quote of the Day: On Insurance

In the book Auberon Herbert: Writings of a Reluctant Anarchist Herbert discusses a wide range of topics. At one point he discusses the rise of insurance which, while existing in one for or another for quite some time for business, was becoming available to individuals as well.

But the matter goes far beyond the range of what exists at present. No man can foresee today the full development in the future of the system of insurance. If it is allowed to grow naturally, without disturbance from the read more

Quote of the Day: Economic and Political Power

Capitalism: The Unknown IdealToday’s quote comes from Ayn Rand’s essay “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business” from Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. Leading up to this quote, she describes what economic and political power are and in this quote defines the difference between them.

Now let me define the difference between economic power and political power: economic power is exercised by means of a positive, by offering men a reward, read more

Quote of the Day: America’s Persecuted Minority

Capitalism: The Unknown IdealI currently am doing some thinking and researching for a future post and as a part of that I am rereading sections of Ayn Rand’s Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. In particular I am focusing on the essay titled “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business.” In this essay Ayn Rand points out that while protecting the rights of minorities is almost universally supported, this principle is applied in a most discriminatory manner. If you are a business owner.

The entire essay read more

Quote of the Day : Liberty, What a Nation Needs

Auberon HerbertToday’s quote also comes from Auberon Herbert: Selected Writings from a Reluctant Anarachist. I find the title to be a bit of a misnomer as Herbert wasn’t an anarchist but rather was a firm believer in a limited form of government. In his view a proper government would not try to do everything for the citizens, but rather protect the rights of the citizens to act as reason dictated. That is the sense that comes across in today’s quote.

We need not have great state departments, read more

Social Principle of Ethics – Quotation of the Day

I just finished up this week’s “homework” for Yaron Brook’s podcast, reading, or rather re-reading in my case, the first chapter of Ayn Rand’s The Virtue of Selfishness. (The podcast is presented live on Mondays at 11:00am EST. You can find it here.) The first chapter is titled The Objectivist Ethics and presents “the barest essentials” of Ayn Rand’s system of ethics.

I had read this essay, indeed the entire book, a couple of years ago, so I was a read more

Altruism – Quotation of the Day

altruism egoism virtue of selfishnessOn his new weekly podcast, Yaron Brook has started giving listeners “homework” to help build a foundation for the issues he we be discussing on the show. For this week’s show he asked that everyone read the introduction to Ayn Rand‘s The Virtue of Selfishness. I had read this a couple of years ago, but a previously un-highlighted paragraph jumped out at me.

The Evil of Altruism

The context of this quotation is a discussion of the difference between egoism and altruism. The most essential read more

Climate Change and Obamacare: Statist Deceptions

I am currently rereading Alex Epstein’s new book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and so far, I am through chapter 4, it is fascinating reading. His perspective on climate and fossil fuels is one that I have never heard before. He uses human life and flourishing as the standard of value when determining whether the use of fossil fuels, or any energy source, is moral and should be pursued.

One interesting item, not solely related to the climate change/fossil fuel debate, I noticed last night read more

Quotation of the Day: Auberon Herbert on the Convenient use of Power

I am still reading Auberon Herbert: Selected Writings from a Reluctant Anarchist, in fact I am still in the first essay, The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State, and I am finding a great many passages that will likely make their way here in due time. One aspect I like of this essay is that it was read more