Tag Archives: fcc

FCC Attempting To Extort $100 Million From AT&T

Extort AT&TI had seen the reports on the FCC’s decision to levy a record $100 million fine against AT&T for allegedly slowing data speeds on their unlimited data plans, which no longer exist. I do not know whether AT&T is guilty of this claim, the company claims it is innocent, but I do know it is not the job of the government to fine them over a contract dispute.

The proper course of action would be for AT&T’s customers to file a class action lawsuit against the company. This read more

Are We All Cronies Now?

I had been meaning to write a post for awhile now about the ongoing dispute between Amazon and the publisher Hachette. The dispute centers largely on how much Amazon can discount physical books published by Hachette and how to set the price for e-books. Initially I was going to write about the rather absurd claims about Amazon’s actions in the dispute – they are like Russia massing troops on the Ukraine border, like a repressive regime, like a totalitarian state or the mafia or that read more