[Video] Yaron Brook Talks Capitalism in Warsaw

Yaron Brook talks capitalism in Warsaw

Yaron Brook talks capitalism in Warsaw.

Dr. Yaron Brook has been on something of a whirlwind speaking tour over the last week in Europe. One of the seven talks he gave over a six-day period was his Morality of Capitalism delivered in a beautiful venue in Warsaw, Poland to about 200 people.

For those who have watched Yaron’s talks in the past, this one covers familiar ground although I find that each time I listen to the material I notice something different that makes my understanding clearer and a bit more complete. As always, the Q&A period is where, as Yaron noted in another talk awhile back, “the fun begins.” Indeed, the first question asked, at about the 14:40 mark in part 3, was the exact topic my wife and I were discussing last night, the conflict between Christian morality and capitalism which Dr. Brook states, and I agree, are fundamentally incompatible.

Towards the end of the Q&A period he answered a question about limited liability corporations. He refutes the questioner’s claim that such corporations are the creation of government by pointing out that the government is just recognizing and enforcing a type of private contract which has existed for a long time. He mentions during the answer his course “The Corporation” which is available from the Ayn Rand Institute E-Store.