Category Archives: Articles

Relatively long articles by me on various issues.

Why Does Bernie Hate Young People?

Who would have thought that Senator Sanders (I-VT) hates young people? That is the only conclusion I can make from his recent op-ed advocating an increase to the immoral and impractical minimum wage, which will result in higher youth unemployment which in turn tends to trap them in poverty.

Man is called the rational animal, meaning his mind, his ability to think, is his sole means of survival. One only has to look around to see that everything that enables a man to live as a man required someone read more

No Rights Were Violated in the Making of this Story

[Author’s note: I almost did not complete this post as Ari Armstrong at The Objective Standard posted a couple articles (here and here) that cover the much same ground, but I decided that it was worth doing my version to continue my efforts to improve my writing.]

The internet is on fire these days with the recent suspension by A&E of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. The suspension was   triggered by his comments during an interview with GQ magazine. The read more

Republicans Need to Stop Trying to be Democrat-Lites

Recently the Vermont GOP held a gala event featuring New Jersey Governor Christ Christie. While the press was barred from the event, a couple of articles (they are available here and here) are available from people apparently at the event that gives some idea of what took place. These two articles highlight the real problem faced by the Republican party.

After recent election losses and receiving most of the blame for the government shutdown, read more

Wel-Fare, Always Low Wages

welfareAh, the holiday shopping season is upon us and with it comes renewed outcries against Black Friday shopping and one of the statists favorite whipping boys: Wal-Mart. Mixed in with the calls to boycott Wal-Mart, obstruct entrances with protests, or vandalize their stores by replacing signage are the usual complaints about the “low wages” offered by such big retailers, citing that significant (supposedly) numbers of employees have to rely on welfare to make ends meet. Usually such read more

Property Rights, Slavery, and Same Sex Marriage – Thinking in Essentials 3

Not long ago I came across a description of a film that was to be shown at a local movie theater.  The film is the first of a six part documentary about the history of Vermont called The Vermont Movie.  A part of the description refers to the myriad factors in Vermont history that: give the Green Mountain State its egalitarian ideals.

This raised my philosophical hackles and made me cringe a bit.  Some time later, in the October 24th edition of our local paper, the read more

Moral and Practical – Thinking in Essentials 2

What would you think if someone told you, “don’t worry if it is right or wrong, just do what you feel like?”

That was, in essence, an idea presented by Hedrick Smith during a debate last week with Yaron Brook as part of the Ford Hall Forum at Suffolk University.  This is hardly unique to Hedrick Smith, or to the liberals whose positions he represented in the debate, but is becoming common in society today, especially in politics.

In answering questions about government action to produce desired read more

Moo Cluck Moo and the $15 Wage, or the Exception That Proves the Rule

Today I came across a story that apparently has been around for a few months about a fast food restaurant in Dearborn Heights, MI called Moo Cluck Moo where they pay their starting employees an astounding $12.00, soon to be $15, per hour.  Needless to say this has brought cries from many that are variations on “See, you greedy corporate fat cats, you can pay a living wage and make money!”  (Of course none of these people state clearly how much a “living wage” is or who read more

Evil of the Left – Thinking in Essentials 1

Last year I listened to a lecture series by Dr. Leonard Peikoff called “The Art of Thinking.”  Among the wide variety of suggestions and techniques was the idea of “thinking in essentials.”  It is something he suggested doing from time to time to get to the root of what is being said.  It is not something he felt can easily be done in every instance as it takes a fair amount read more

From Property Rights to Citizens United, Part 3

[My primary inspiration for these posts comes from the article “Property and Principle” from the Objective Standard, and Eric Daniels’ course “Property Rights in American History,” available from the Ayn Rand e-store.]

[Part 1][Part 2]

The United States is Not a Democracy

I want to make a comment about the form of government that the founders attempted to create.  They understood from studying history that a pure democracy could be just as tyrannical as a dictatorship.  James Madison, in a letter to read more

From Property Rights to Citizens United, Part 1

[My primary inspiration for these posts comes from the article “Property and Principle” from the Objective Standard, and Eric Daniels’ course “Property Rights in American History,” available from the Ayn Rand e-store.]

Today it seems that one can hardly go a day without hearing about how “big money” is ruining our government.  How we have “the best government money can buy.”  Or how if only we could keep corporations, or the rich, from spending read more