Category Archives: Commentary

Primarily links to other sites but with a bit of commentary on my part.

Altruism – Quotation of the Day

altruism egoism virtue of selfishnessOn his new weekly podcast, Yaron Brook has started giving listeners “homework” to help build a foundation for the issues he we be discussing on the show. For this week’s show he asked that everyone read the introduction to Ayn Rand‘s The Virtue of Selfishness. I had read this a couple of years ago, but a previously un-highlighted paragraph jumped out at me.

The Evil of Altruism

The context of this quotation is a discussion of the difference between egoism and altruism. The most essential read more

Solar Power, Not Ready for Prime Time

Solar Panel HumbugBack in December I wrote about an article that appeared in the local paper touting how small power generation facilities, primarily solar, had increased 58% in the last year or so.  Today’s Caledonian Record contains an article that further concretizes some of the issues I raised in that initial post.

The trustees of the Lyndonville Electric Department (LED) were recently briefed by the Manager, Ken Mason, on the prospect of several large, 500kW, solar farms being built in the area read more

Income Inequality as Such is not the Problem

income inequalityJim Pagels over at has a good article on why Oxfam’s claim that the wealthiest 1% may soon be worth more than all the rest of us is not something to worry about. He correctly points out a number of reasons why this study is extremely flawed. For example, with the methodology the study uses a person I know, a truck driver who has gone through bankruptcy, is wealthier than read more

Liberal Logic – Vermont Carbon Tax Edition

Liberal logicI happened to notice a tweet passing through my feed referencing an article in the Burlington Free Press about gasoline prices remaining high in the Burlington area. Apparently gasoline in Vermont averages about $2.41 per gallon, higher in the Burlington area, while the national average is $2.05.

Wishing Doesn’t Make it So

Primacy of consciousness in Venezuela: wishing won't make food appear on the shelves.

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The Washington Post’s Matt O’Brien has a great article about the current situation in Venezuela. Early on he relates what can be described in philosophy as the primacy of consciousness, the idea that what you think is of greater importance than what is actually out there in reality.

It shouldn’t be this way. Venezuela, after all, has the largest read more

Hurray for Private Enterprise!

Private enterprise saw this book delivered in 25 hours.

Private enterprise saw this book in my hands within 25 hours of my ordering it.

I was somewhat amused to read recently that Venezuela’s President Maduro blamed the pervasive shortages that country is facing on the fact that the distribution network for goods is largely controlled by the private sector. Over the past 6 years, since I met my wife who is Venezuelan, I have tried to pay attention to what is happening there, especially as she still lives there, so I know this is a laughable. It ignores the fact that about read more

Comment on True North Reports

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I left the following comment to a post on True North Reports regarding the latest insanity from Senator Bernie Sanders.

One thing you can say about Senator Sanders: he is generally consistent. He is a consistent statist who I think genuinely believes that people would be better off if the government made all the really important, and likely a fair number of the less important, choices . It does not matter what the choice is: what terms of employment (wages, time off, etc) will an employer and employee read more

Frackers Deserve a Huge Thank You!

Frackers help bring down gasoline prices by 25% in a month.

Exactly a month ago, well a month and a day, a new convenience store opened here in town. It is on my route to and from work, so it is very convenient indeed. When the store opened the price on gasoline was $2.89 per gallon. In just 32 days the price has dropped $0.70 or almost 25%. Over the last year, it has fallen about an additional $1.00 per gallon, making the current price pretty close to just half of what it was last year.

Now I know that the hard work of frackers does not account for read more