Category Archives: Links

Mainly just a link or links with minimal comment.

Yaron Brook in Texas on inequality

Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality

Yaron Brook on inequality at the Texas Public Policy FoundationIn this talk hosted by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Yaron Brook discusses the left’s focus on the issue of income inequality, the issue covered by his new book, Equal is Unfair: American’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.

While the left uses the idea of inequality as a rhetorical device to claim the moral high ground and thereby justify more government intervention, Brook points out that inequality is a metaphysical fact of human nature. We are all different. We read more

global warming

Podcast Roundup April 24 – Ayn Rand, Hope and more

podcastThis week’s podcast round up includes great shows from Yaron Brook, Steve Simpson and Amy Peikoff covering a host of topics including Trump and the DIM Hypothesis, Ayn Rand, the climate change inquisition, hope and more. Podcast Episode 406 w/Yaron Brook

It was Yaron’s turn on Leonard Peikoff’s podcast this week and he answered the following great questions:

  • What were your objective criteria that led you move to the United States and settle in California? This was an interesting answer as it applied the contextual nature of value judgments based on your hierarchy of values. For example, while Singapore has more economic freedom than the United States, he wouldn’t move there because he doesn’t want to live in a small city-state.
  • Since Objectivists vote on a candidate’s basic political principles but not necessarily on the candidate’s whole philosophy, do you think Senator Ted Cruz is closer to the former and worthy of my vote? The answer to this question gave a good, if necessarily brief, look at Cruz as a candidate with reasons why Yaron isn’t enthusiastic about Cruz.
  • Where does Donald Trump fit in on Leonard Peikoff’s DIM Hypothesis? (If you haven’t read this book, you certainly should.) An interesting point in the answer to this question is Yaron’s statement that what is scary about Trump is not the man himself, but that people love him.
  • Given today’s philosophical culture, is it advisable to get behind the science of genetic alteration? If we can’t get freedom right, should I be worried about what the intellectual community is doing to my food and medicine? We need to be pro-science. Yaron views science, as Eric Daniels pointed out in an OCON 2015 talk, as vitally important because it teaches us to think.

Yaron’s AM560 Rewind: Who is Ayn Rand?

Ayn RandEach week Yaron does a one hour radio program on AM560 in Chicago, also now broadcast in Miami. This week’s show took a look at someone he read more

Yaron Brook talks to young entrepreneurs in Brazil

[Video] Yaron Brook on Entrepreneurs

In this talk from the Pan American School in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Yaron Brook discusses what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how that fits in to living a flourishing, successful life. A central idea is the role of the mind, not only in discovering the facts of reality necessary to such a life, but also to our emotions.

Reason is how we learn about the world. Emotions are how we experience the world.

Another idea that I found interesting was Yaron’s emphasis on the fact that trade applies read more

War on Success – A Tale of Two Quotes

to fight inequality is to fight successI recently finished reading Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided War Against Income Inequality by Don Watkins and Yaron Brook and a quote from chapter 5, The War on Opportunity, stood out to me and yesterday, while listening to the book on Audible, that same quote jumped out at me again. The quote is from remarks made by President Obama about economic mobility. As quoted in the book:

[W]e were convinced that America is a place where even if you’re born with nothing, with a little read more

teen drug addiction

Drug Addiction – Quote of the Day

Up in my part of the country, northern Vermont, drug addiction has been getting a lot of attention of late. In 2014 Governor Shumlin dedicated his state-of-the-state address largely to heroin addition. More recently, Governor Hassan of New Hampshire testified before the legislature in support of a bill to provide more resources to fight the “heroin and opioid crisis.”

By and large the measures advocated for do not address the fundamental issue: why do people begin taking read more

Eric Daniels science education

Science Education – Real Reform [Video]

I was very pleased yesterday when I saw a link for a new talk from one of my favorite speakers, Eric Daniels. In this video of a talk from OCON 2015, he discusses the problems he sees in science education today, the historical roots of those problems, and potential solutions to them.

He gives a quote from an historian that summarizes one way in which science education has gone wrong.

In the relatively short time between 1893 and 1920, the justification for science in the curriculum had shifted read more

success - SpaceX stage 1 landing

Success! SpaceX Stage 1 Landing


Congratulations to everyone involved in the success of today’s landing of SpaceX‘s Falcon 9 first stage rocket! Amazing, amazing achievement to send a full laden rocket, payload headed to the International Space Station, into space and bring its first stage back down to a perfect landing a small barge floating in the Atlantic Ocean. This is a fantastic tribute to the potential of what man’s mind can achieve when he is left read more

In Defense of Monopolies: How Antitrust Criminalizes Business Strategy (OCON 2015)

Business Strategy – Antitrust Laws Criminalize It [Video]

Ayn Rand often referred to antitrust as among the most immoral of laws and in this video from OCON 2015, Associate Professor of Strategy Ryan Krause discusses how antitrust laws destroy a businessman’s ability to plan for the long range success of his company by their effect on business strategy. He defines business strategy and summarizes the impact of antitrust laws in this quote:

Business strategy is the crux of high-level business decision making. Its what business should we be in, what read more

Blue Origin

Blue Origin – Success and Positive Values

On his April 2nd podcast Yaron Brook answered a question about what the Objectivist Movement 2.0 is about. Check out his complete answer starting at about the 68 minute mark, but in essence it is about creating a community where we “highlight success, highlight successful people, highlight successful values, highlight the positive.”

“A spirit, too, needs fuel. It can run dry.” – Ayn Rand, Ideal

This struck a chord for me as I have been thinking a lot lately about read more

Equal is Unfair and Cornerstone of Liberty

Inequality, Property Rights and More – Podcast Roundup April 3, 2016

podcastA round up of the podcasts I listen to is something that used to be a feature of the this blog but had fallen by the wayside, along with pretty much everything, over the last year or so. I am resuming this regular post for a couple of reasons. First, I think it is worthwhile to promote these podcasts and the ideas they feature to people who have not heard of them or do not follow them regularly. Second, and more personally, this type of post provides a relatively easy way for me to get writing read more