Tag Archives: fiscal cliff

Gun Control, Fiscal Cliff Cronyism and more

Some good links for this week.


This is perhaps my favorite article of the week, though there were plenty of good ones, and I quite honestly lost track of some.

With Gun Control, Cost Benefit Analysis Is Amoral

Really nice take on the whole gun control issue.  I especially like his statement: “Statistics about how often gun-related crimes occur in the population is no evidence against you. That’s collectivist thinking. The choices made by others are irrelevant to the choices that you read more

Some Interesting Articles

I tend to read a bunch of articles over the course of a week, so I thought I would share some of my favorites from the past week.  I am going to try and do this every Wednesday.  This is by no means a complete list, but it does include most of the articles that I had particularly made note of, at least since I decided to publish such a list.

First the “Rich”, and Then YOU!

first the rich, then I'm coming after youProbably like a great many of you, I am getting sick of hearing about the fiscal cliff, or more accurately, of hearing about the proposed “solutions” to the fiscal cliff.

It seems that the President and Congressional Democrats, and to some extent Republicans as well, think the only solution is to tax the “rich” and maybe talk about some spending cuts, maybe, some time in the future. I think history has pretty well shown that when the government talks about tax increases read more