Quote of the Day – Need For Economic Freedom

After a few days of actually not reading much of anything, except a bit of the news, I am back to reading “How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, From the Pilgrims to the Present” by Thomas DiLorenzo.

This quote is from the first chapter and I have heard similar quotes in talks by Yaron Brook.  It is definitely something to keep in mind whenever you hear government officials say they will make things better by increasing taxes and regulations.

Any discussion of economic freedom must consider degrees of freedom, for neither the United States nor any other nation has ever had an economy that was genuinely free of government interference–that is, free of taxes and regulations.  But overwhelming evidence indicates that the more economic freedom a nation has, the more economic opportunity there will be an the more vibrant that nation’s economy will be.  And the opposite is also true: the more regulations, controls, taxes, government-run industries, protectionism, and other forms of interventionism that exist, the poorer a country will be.